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2020-09-17 16:44   来源: 中国硅谷网

金融行业竞争颇大,不断提升公司威望与名声是必要的。要达到该目标,首先必须在业界获得认可,例如赢得有关奖项,好让能提升企业信誉度。只能说获得有关的奖项或荣耀对一家金融企业来说,是个无比大的推动力!外汇金融体系中最重要的流动性提供者之一 -威世达(VISTA)自2013年1月成立以来,就一直作为流动性提供者,为欧盟的私人金融公司和外汇零售经纪人提供过渡服务。直到如今的2020年,威世达成功荣获Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards颁发Best Fin-Tech Liquidity Provider,也就是最佳金融科技流通量供应商之荣誉大奖,此奖绝对得以大大提升了公司信誉度!

Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards,简称BNFA,是一个非营利性组织项目,一共有18项大奖,旨在寻找和奖励英国金融业中最优秀的专业人员,而Best Fin-Tech Liquidity Provider,最佳金融科技流动量供应商奖属BNFA所颁发的奖项之一,威世达得以荣获该奖,相信实力绝对是备受了肯定!Uk Fina Media(UFM)协会便是2019年英国Noble Fin-Tech Awards的组织者。BNFA不管是在行业专家中还是金融科技界都十分有成就及成功受到专业认可,像是遭获英国金融服务提供商提名为最佳专业人员,也因此开辟了些新职业的道路。

威世达( VISTABROKERS CIF LTD),英文简称VISTA,是2013年创立于塞浦路斯的金融公司,创办人为Mr.Henry。它乃一家不只是专为欧盟成员国多家私⼈⾦融企业以及多家外汇零售经纪商提供稳定的桥接服务, 且还能获得外汇市场上最具竞争⼒的价格的公司。值得一提的是,威世达在成立同年就荣获 CySEC 监管执照,正式以⾮银⾏机构流通量供应商⾝份开始与⼏家私⼈企业交易⽅合作提供桥接技术服务,大大验证了公司的实力。威世达从2013年到2020年内成功增强了服务质量,无论是快速执行巨额交易量还是资产价格合理化的流动性能力,甚至还包括为了避免实际交易中出现过度滑点的问题,VISTA的性能都超出了行业标准。

顶着优秀流通量供应商身份的威世达有着两大绝对优势,分别为资金安全与协议条款以及服务器与桥接技术。该两大优势让所有合作经纪商不仅能确保拥有稳定性资金及财务健康状况,同时也能避免交易实战中涉及拒绝报价以及滑点过⼤的问题发⽣。威世达⾃ 2013年成⽴⾄今,凭着执⾏效率以及技术⽔平的提升,已经在欧盟成员国内,站稳主要经纪商以及 市场庄家的(2级)流通量供应商⾝份。

威世达的理念是一直与全球各地的外汇交易场所合作,并不断改良量化驱动技术及持续性地提供稳定流动性为理念,以帮助全球参与者在威世达涵盖的资产类别中获得有竞争⼒的价格,更势必要在最终成为全球领先的做市商。当然,充满野心的威世达对远大目标的设定并不仅仅于此,反而满怀信心与期望要在2020年将以⾰命性全新姿态⾯向全球⾦融市场,本着 “成为⾃⼰的流量商” 的特许经营理念率先打破现有传统⾦融⾏业的缺口,创造⼀个流通量供应商、 经纪商、特许经营商三⽅互惠互利的“三赢”局⾯!

Congratulations again! VISTA BROKERS was awarded the Best Fin-Tech Liquidity Provider by the Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards!

The financial industry is highly competitive and it is necessary for a company to continuously improve the it’s prestige and reputation. To achieve this goal, it must first be recognized in the industry which can be done through winning prestigious awards to enhance corporate credibility. Obtaining relevant awards is an extremely strong driving force for a financial company! One of the most important liquidity providers in the foreign exchange financial system- VISTA BROKERS has been serving as a liquidity provider since its establishment in January 2013, providing bridging services for private financial companies and foreign exchange retail brokers in the European Union. Until now, in 2020, VISTA BROKERS has successfully won the Best Fin-Tech Liquidity Provider award from the Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards. This award has definitely recognised the marvellous achievement of VISTA BROKERS in the industry!

Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards is a non-profit organization project aimed at finding and rewarding the best professionals in Britain financial industry. Uk Fina Media (UFM) Association is the organizer of Britain Noble Fin-Tech Awards 2019.

BNFA is a professional recognition of achievements and success from industry experts and fin-tech community. BNFA is given to the best professionals in Britain financial provider nominations to opens ways to new professional opportunities.

VISTABROKERS CIF LTD, referred to as VISTA, is one of the most important liquidity providers in the foreign exchange financial system. Since its establishment in January 2013, it has acted as a liquidity provider to provide bridging services for private financial companies and foreign exchange retail brokers in the European Union. In addition to providing indicative match price, it also helps customers in placing orders on the trading platform which means accepting VISTA BROKERS quotations, and finally processing all orders by top liquidity providers through the VISTA BROKERS ECN matching system assisted by the advanced bridging technology. From 2013 to 2020, both in terms of the speedy execution of huge transaction volume or the liquidity ability on asset price rationalization, and even in terms of avoiding the problem of excessive slippage in the actual trading, VISTA BROKERS is performing beyond the industry standards.

Being a top liquidity provider player in the industry, VISTA BROKERS has 2 absolute advantages, which are the capital security and the bridging service. These 2 absolute advantages has allowed partnering brokers to enjoy stable capital and healthy financial conditions. It also helps them to avoid the refusal of quotes in the actual trading and preventing the problem of excessive slippage. Since the establishment in 2013, leveraging on the high efficiency of execution and technical level, it has achieved a strong foothold of tier 2 liquidity provider and market maker in the European Union.

VISTA BROKERS mission is to work with global trading platforms through continuously improving the driving technology and sustainable stable liquidity. It is aim to provide the best and competitive pricing among all VISTA BROKERS products and become the next leader of the global market maker. Of course, VISTA BROKERS ambitious aim is only limited to this goal, in 2020 VISTA BROKERS is going to face the global financial market with a revolutionary new attitude, taking the lead in bridging the gaps in the existing traditional financial industry based on the franchise concept of "becoming your own liquidity provider" and creating a triple win solutions for the liquidity provider, broker and franchise operator.
